Latest Past Events

KFC – UKPSA Level 1 Mini-Rifle Match – 3rd November – Gravelley Bridge Range

Gravelley Bridge Shooting Range Grazeley, Reading

Welcome to the Kentucky Firearms club, UKPSA Level 1 Mini-Rifle/LBP Match, which is being held under the IPSC Rule book. This Shoot is open to Kentucky Firearms club members initially, but if there are spaces nearer the time we will open it up to the wider community.


KFC – UKPSA Level 1 Mini-Rifle Match – 8th September – Gravelley Bridge Range

Gravelley Bridge Shooting Range Grazeley, Reading

Welcome to the Kentucky Firearms club, UKPSA Level 1 Mini-Rifle/LBP Match, which is being held under the IPSC Rule book. This Shoot is open to Kentucky Firearms club members initially, but if there are spaces nearer the time we will open it up to the wider community.
